I read your amazing blogs and stand in awe at the thoughts you think. You are amazing people! Most of my thoughts these days are "gotta do" thoughts . . . gotta do the laundry, gotta go grocery shopping, gotta change a diaper, gotta get the dishes done, gotta feed everyone (again), etc. And yet this stage of life is wonderful. The way the baby smiles every time he sees me. The way my oldest daughter asks questions profound beyond her years. The way my toddler loves to be funny like that's the point of his existence. The way my 5 yr. old noticed I was quiet yesterday and cared that I was sad. The way my Bina Boo entertains her siblings with no prompting from me. The way all the kids experience the newness of this life with such fascination and joy.
Yup, the sleeplessness and gotta do stage is pretty good. I'll be creative later--it's worth the wait.
You are just an inspiration to me. You never fail to find the positive side of life...maybe it takes a few tears (that's normal), but you always get there (some people don't). I love you!
P.S. I love how excited your kids look. They are so fun.
I love the pictures! They are so fun. Just goes to show, you don't have to be frilly to have a great blog!
I am so glad you have a Blog, now we can keep in touch! Your children are darling!
I was so glad to see you tonight! You know we all feel similiar... gotta dos! There always seems to be too many of those. Love the pictures of the kids. My kids wish we had a cool computer that lets you take fun pictures!
You don't need music or fancy stuff for a great blog! I just want to follow your life now that I can no longer walk down the street to spy on you! By the way, I made Jaqui show me how to add music and slide show etc. And they were only added to my blog because I can't sleep until 3 am most nights as you can tell by my post time.
Wow you are popular and your blog just started. I will be comment number 7. Your amazing:) I am glad that I can follow your family even though you moved out of the neighborhood. I like that I still see you around sometimes due to the fact that I am slowly sneaking into your cool group of friends. Did I tell you your amazing?
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